Welcome here , folks !
First thing I want to do is to re-direct you to one of the most surreal cartoons ever made , a favorite of mine ( and I suppose of yours after you will have seen it ) : " Swing You Sinners " .
Way back in 1930 , the Fleischers ' answer to Disney was not trying to compete with the fairy tales adaptations or the cute characters ( that was Disney's own territory ) , but trying to do something really original with the animation medium , using hot jazz and imaginative gags as " traits d'union " between reality and fantasy .
These concepts were behind the creation of such unique masterpieces like " Swing You Sinners " ( the strangest and most bizzarre of them all ! ) , " Bimbo's Initiation , " Minnie The Moocher ".....This cartoon is also most notable because it stars the character of Bimbo , one of the very few characters of the Thirties which shows no resemblance to Mickey Mouse . I could write for hours analyzing this magnificent cartoon but.....
Stop talking now ! It's time to watch Classic Cartoons ! ( Feel free to post your comments about the short here , but first...go watch it ! )
Yours Truly ,
Duck Dodgers
Blog Founder and Administrator
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