In the Thirties Terrytoons supplied the low budget devoted to animation with some inventive idea and funny gags .
When in the 40s the animation become more sophisticated ( you can see in this cartoon how the animation looks like the one used by Fleischers in them same years ) they started to develope the formula cartoons ( not unlike Famous studios ) .
This cartoon still shows some inventive , but many of the gags , as well as the ending sequence , reveal to be greatly inspired by " Farmer Al Falfa's Ape Girl " .
Ironically ,this 1940 cartoon include also many gags that will be later reused in 1945 " Mighty Mouse and the Pirates " .
I will update this post with other pictures in the following days .
In the meanwhile , enjoy some screenshots that show gags and situations coming from the Ape Girl cartoon and some other sequences and ideas that will return in the Mighty Mouse epic .

Yours Truly ,
Duck Dodgers
Blog founder and Administrator
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